
Saturday Gang Report September-December 2018


Seasons Greetings from the Saturday Gang! Another year comes to an end, and 2018 has seen some significant milestones.  We have seen a loco we worked on for years (25 ‘Northiam’) return to service, taking up the slack left when old workhorse 65 ‘Maunsell’ finished its ticket.  And now of course, we work almost weekly to bring 65 back up to speed after years of hard work. 

I’m sure a few of you will have heard of the famous Cavell Van; the wagon that carried the body of the Unknown Warrior 100 years ago. Well this Autumn the Van left its usual home at the Kent & East Sussex Railway for a commemoration of Reverend David Railton in Folkestone. And the Saturday Gang were privileged to play a small part in that. We built the clamps for the temporary rail tracks that would bear the Cavell Van for the duration. A small contribution for sure, but many of our members are grateful to even come close to items of history like that.
 The Cavell Van at Folkestone Harbour, with Saturday Gang-made track!

 Now let’s take a closer look at the progress made on loco maintenance in the last four months of the year.


WD USA Class 0-6-0T 30065 ‘Maunsell’-  The frames have been lifted clear of the wheels and the wheels removed to a temporary track outside. We also gave the axles and cranks fresh denso tape for insulation. The axle boxes, cylinder drain cocks and release valves have been removed and cleaned. Repairs have also been made to the left hand big end.
As for the frames themselves, 10 years of regular service will naturally bring a little wear and tear.  It was our job to find and clean these areas so they could be welded.  Finally, the frames have been extensively cleaned and repainted all over.
65's frames, clear of the wheels, welded and repainted as of 2912/18

Hunslet Austerity Class 0-6-0PT 25 ‘Northiam’-  Our newest completed loco thankfully remains in operation, with routine maintenance carried out throughout the period.

WD USA Class 0-6-0T  300 ‘Major-General Frank Ross’ (Formerly DS238 ‘Wainwright’)-  Remains in service with routine maintenance throughout the period, including tube sweeping and boiler washouts.

GWR 1600 Class 0-6-0PT 1638-  Remains in service.

NSB 21C Class 2-6-0 376 ‘Norwegian’-  Remains in service.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32678 ‘Knowle’-  Our volunteers carried out an inspection on ‘Knowle’ in October. This loco has recently left service for the time being.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32670 ‘Bodiam’- Out of service. New holes were drilled around the edge of the smokebox recently.

Manning Wardle O Class 0-6-0T 14 ‘Charwelton’-  Gradual progress is being made on this loco’s overhaul. Our volunteers have constructed and numbered new firebricks for the loco’s firebox brick arch.

SE&CR P Class 0-6-0T 753-  Out of service with an overhaul in progress. In the Autumn we moved the wheels to a temporary track outside the shed.



Well that just about sees out 2018! On a personal note, the coming year marks a very special milestone for the editor: August 2019 will mark my ten-year anniversary with the Saturday Gang! Here’s hoping that next year will bring as much joy as that first year did, and the nine that have followed since!

If you haven’t all ready, do like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube account below for all the latest updates as they arrive. Until our next entry in April, wishing you all a Happy New Year from the Saturday Gang!


Saturday Gang Report May-August 2018


Hello and welcome to Autumn from the Saturday Gang! Winter is just around the corner but at least we can look back at the summer. With particularly nice weather this year we’ve taken full advantage of it to work outside on the likes of 65 and the P Class. Maybe we got a little too used to it as the recent cold and wet spell hit us like a tonne of bricks out there!
Anyway, for more information on what exactly we did with all the sun in our recap on locomotive maintenance and overhauls.


WD USA Class 0-6-0T 30065 ‘Maunsell’- This loco’s overhaul is now our primary focus. We’re at the stage where the majority of work involves taking the poor thing apart, but it’s all part of the job. So the running plate, cladding, compensation beams, springs and smokebox have all been removed.  Also some damaged rivets were discovered and excised from the boiler. More significantly, the frames have just been jacked up clear of the wheels.
65's frames jacked up clear of the wheels

Hunslet Austerity Class 0-6-0PT 25 ‘Northiam’-  Our most recent loco to return to service, ‘Northiam’ continues to run, with some running maintenance. A grill is being added to the front end of the firebox, which we’ve laid a little groundwork for.

WD USA Class 0-6-0T  300 ‘Major-General Frank Ross’ (Formerly DS238 ‘Wainwright’)-  Remains in service with running maintenance throughout the period. These include minor adjustments to the smokebox door and some paint on the tube plate in June.

GWR 1600 Class 0-6-0PT 1638-  Remains in service.

NSB 21C Class 2-6-0 376 ‘Norwegian’-  Remains in service with running maintenance throughout the period. Some damaged rivets were found on the foundation ring, which we needle gunned after welding.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32678 ‘Knowle’-  Remains in service.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32670 ‘Bodiam’- Out of service.

Manning Wardle O Class 0-6-0T 14 ‘Charwelton’-  This overhaul is coming along gradually. The cladding is off the boiler,  and the frames have been lifted off wheels and repainted. The wheels themselves have also received Denso Tape on the axels for protection.
SE&CR P Class 0-6-0T 753-  This is another overhaul we’re making gradual progress with. Foundation ring was washed out earlier on in the summer, and the wheels have been removed for repair; we’ve protected the axels with Denso Tape as with ‘Charwelton’.  We also took the opportunity to strip down components from the tanks while the weather was so lovely!



Well that’s two thirds of 2018 over with. With visible progress on our ongoing overhauls, I think we can say that the summer has been something of a success. Do subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook if you haven’t already! Going on past experience I will say that you can expect the next update in January.
Until then, on behalf of the Saturday gang, I hope you enjoy the rest of 2018.


Saturday Gang Report January- April 2018


Greetings to everyone from the Saturday Gang! Spring is in the air, and the bank holiday weather has actually been pleasant for a change! But don’t think for one second our group of volunteers have rested on their laurels. As you will see, we’ve made some massive strides and passed something of a milestone on our longest running overhaul for the last decade, 25 ‘Northiam’. I won’t keep you any longer- let’s get straight to the locos!


Hunslet Austerity Class 0-6-0PT 25 ‘Northiam’-  It’s back! After nine years of work, Number 25 is in service once more. Seeing our long-standing project pulling trains at last is a great source of pride for our gang. A couple of us have already spent a journey or two behind the loco, and the May Video Report, when completed, will focus on a retrospective of the overhaul. Also, the editors of this blog may have an article published in this summer’s ‘Tenterden Terrier’ about the Saturday Gang’s role in returning ‘Northiam’ to steam. So stay tuned!

WD USA Class 0-6-0T DS238 ‘Wainwright’- This loco is now in operation as LMR 300 ‘Major General Frank Ross.’

WD USA Class 0-6-0T 30065 ‘Maunsell’- Work has begun on bringing this loco back. The first stage with overhauls like this is to strip the loco down almost to the frames. We’ve already removed the boiler tubes, along with the dome cover, clack valve and coupling rods. As it stands, the blast pipe, pistons and brake cylinders have also gone.

GWR 1600 Class 0-6-0PT 1638- No new information on this loco.

NSB 21C Class 2-6-0 376 ‘Norwegian’-  Remains in service.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32678 ‘Knowle’-  Remains in service with running maintenance throughout the period. A few weeks ago, a new joint was fitted to the blast pipe, and one of our volunteers fixed a blocked steam heat valve.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32670 ‘Bodiam’- Out of service.

Manning Wardle O Class 0-6-0T 14 ‘Charwelton’- History repeats itself: we’ve begun overhauling the Saturday Gang’s original project from so long ago! As with 65, the loco has been radically stripped down. We’ve taken off the vacuum pipe, guard irons, brake hangers, reverser and The boiler is parted from the frames, and stripped of cladding.

SE&CR P Class 0-6-0T 753-  Out of service.



So there we have it. In four months we’ve seen two locos return to steam, and made head way on two new projects. I’ve no doubt you can expect to see more progress on Charwelton and 65 over the next few months, if you follow our YouTube channel.
Our next blog entry will arrive some time in September, but until then you may hear from us in the ‘Tenterden Terrier’ as previously stated.
On behalf of the Saturday Gang, I hope you all have a wonderful summer!


Saturday Gang Report September-December 2017


Welcome to 2018 from the Saturday Gang! 2017 ended rather well for us here at the Saturday Gang, with one overhaul finished, one nearing the end, and a new project about to begin. We were also featured in an article in the October edition of the RMT Union magazine, detailing the role of the volunteer sector in railway engineering. It is very nice to see our small group receive recognition like this, and we’re very grateful to the representatives that came to the shed.
Now I know you’re all dying to hear the condition of our engines facing the new year, so here goes!


Hunslet Austerity Class 0-6-0PT 25 ‘Northiam’-  We are not far off on this one! We’ve seen this loco get closer by the week over the last four months. Our work has included some modifications to the damper rod to prevent fouling on operation, adjustments to the brake lubricator, and re-inserting the brick arch. We’ve also given the loco new coats of paint on the running plate and steam heat pipe. In December, ‘Northiam’ undertook one of the last steam tests so it’s really not long now…

WD USA Class 0-6-0T DS238 ‘Wainwright’- The overhaul is complete! The Saturday Gang helped out on the final stages, replacing the windows, reconnecting the brake cylinder and lagging the respective pipe. Also a union nut was damaged, so one of our volunteers set about constructing a new one in the shed’s machine store. We were delighted to see this loco return to service in time for the holiday season.

WD USA Class 0-6-0T 30065 ‘Maunsell’-  The overhaul on this loco is only just beginning. We spent the end of the year preparing to strip off and label each component. It’s going to be a long road.

GWR 1600 Class 0-6-0PT 1638- Remains in service.  We carried out running maintenance on this loco throughout the period. Some damaged springs needed to be removed in the Autumn, along with a replaced joint in the steam heat pipe.

NSB 21C Class 2-6-0 376 ‘Norwegian’-  Remains in service. Running maintenance has included reassembling the rocking grate and firebars.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32678 ‘Knowle’-  Remains in service.

LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T 32670 ‘Bodiam’- Out of service.

Manning Wardle O Class 0-6-0T 14 ‘Charwelton’- Out of service.

SE&CR P Class 0-6-0T 753-  Out of service.



So that’s the end of 2017 for the Saturday Gang. Another year, another loco returned to service.  We are all very proud of what we have achieved in the past year, and expect further progress throughout 2018. You can probably expect a further update on that progress in May, when the next blog entry is due. Until then, be sure to check out our monthly reports and give our Facebook page a like if you haven’t all ready,
For now though, best wishes from all at the Saturday Gang!